Commercial Policy


We want to help you shield your private vehicle,
with our standard policy and added benefits.  


This is a private motor car policy for drivers between the ages of 30 and 75 years, who have a Jamaican driver’s licence for a minimum of 1 year.

Private Commercial

Comprehensive insurance coverage for individuals who are using their vehicle for Social, Domestic and Pleasure purposes and carriage of goods or samples in connection with their own business. 


  • Vehicle age should be no more than fifteen (15) years
  • All drivers must have the relevant Jamaican driver’s licence for a minimum of 3 years
  • All drivers must be 23 years of age or older and not over 80 years old
  • Sum insured for a minimum of $750,000


  • Personal Accident
  • Windscreen Damages
  • Wrecker Fees
  • Manslaughter Defence
  • Audio Equipment
  • Medical Expense