A few tips for a safe and fun ‘Emancipendence’

July 31, 2023 by


The Emancipation and Independence holidays are almost here again, and many Jamaicans will be busy on our roads as they visit loved ones, explore new destinations or attend recreational events. However, with the increased number of people on the roads, there is also a higher risk of incidents. Therefore, as you travel during the holidays, prioritise safety and drive, walk and ride responsibly.

Here are a few tips to keep you safe during the holiday season:

Observe Speed Limits: Speeding is one of the leading causes of crashes on our roads. Reaching your destination a few minutes earlier is not worth compromising your safety or the safety of others. Always adhere to speed limits and adjust your speed according to road conditions.

Plan Your Journey: Before setting out on a trip, plan your route and allow sufficient time to reach your destination. Factor in potential delays due to increased traffic and be patient. Rushing can lead to impulsive decisions and risky driving behaviour.

Use Safety Gear: Seat belts are your best defence against potential injuries in case of an accident. Ensure that all passengers are properly restrained, regardless of the distance you are travelling.  If you are riding a motorcycle, ensure you and your pillion rider wear a helmet.

Avoid Distractions: Keep distractions to a minimum while driving or riding. Put away your cell phone, keep conversations to a minimum, and focus on the road ahead. Your attention is invaluable and can prevent accidents. Plus, you’ll avoid a hefty fine.

Responsible use of the road is a collective effort.  We encourage you to share this message with your loved ones, friends, and colleagues, as their safety matters to us too.

Have fun! Drive or ride safely and make this holiday period one to remember for all the right reasons!