Hurricane Preparedness Helps to Minimise Risks

June 23, 2023 by


Extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, flooding and landslides pose a threat to life.  It is therefore important to be prepared to ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones and property.

JN General Insurance urges you to take keen note of the following hurricane preparation tips to help keep you safe:

Monitor weather updates:  Stay informed by getting updates from reliable sources such as the Met Service, National Hurricane Center, the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, and local news channels, as they have the most accurate and up-to-date information about the weather condition.

Store adequate emergency supplies:  Ensure that you have at least three to seven days of essential supplies to sustain you and your family. Your supply stock should include non-perishable food items, drinking water, medication, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, a battery-operated radio, extra cash, important documents, and personal hygiene items.  Also, if you have pets, include supplies for them.
Protect important documents: Store important documents, such as passports, birth certificates, insurance policies, and medical records in waterproof containers and put them in a safe location.

Secure your property: Inspect your home for any potential hazards.  Ensure necessary repairs to your roof are done. Trim trees to reduce the risk of falling branches. Protect windows and doors with storm shutters or plywood. Additionally, check for loose objects around the house that could be blown or washed away.  Hanging flower pots should be taken down. Park motor vehicles in an enclosed area such as a carport.  If you do not have one, then park away from flood-prone areas, trees and powerlines.

Cooperate with evacuation orders:  Evacuate as soon as instructions are given.  Delaying could make your trip more difficult, dangerous and longer.  Take along emergency supplies for you and family and important documents. Importantly, secure your home before leaving and advise a loved one of your intended destination.

Charge cell phones: Keep your cell phone fully charged and have a portable fully-charged power bank available. In case of power outages, conserve battery by limiting non-essential phone use.

Follow safety guidelines: If flooding occurs, move to higher ground and avoid walking or driving through flooded areas.

Taking these precautionary measures can help you stay safe during a hurricane and minimise your risks of injuries and damage to property.